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A list of my publications




A paradigm shift? African countries call for the non-use of solar geoengineering at UN Environment Assembly. PLOS Climate (with Aarti Gupta, open access here)


Courts, climate litigation, and the evolution of earth system law. Global Policy (Kotzé et al., open access here).


Earth system governance: A governance perspective on geoethics. In Geoethics for the Future: Facing Global Challenges, edited by S. Peppoloni and G. Di Capua (Elsevier). Link here).


Greening labour? The role of the SDGs in fostering sustainability integration within trade unions. Globalizations (Montesano et al., open access here).


Les limites du cadre des limites planétaires. Une évaluation critique des approches visant à définir un « espace opérationnel sûr » pour l’humanité.

In Les limites planétaires en Anthropocène. Entre sûreté et justice, edited by Catherine Le Bris and Marta Torre-Schaub (with Rakhyun E. Kim)


Policy integration through the Sustainable Development Goals? The case of the German Federal Government. Sustainable Development (Birner et al., open access here).


Reflections on the role of international public administrations in the Anthropocene. In International Public Administrations in Environmental Governance. The Role of Autonomy, Agency and the Quest for Attention, edited by H. Jörgens, N. Kolleck and M. Well (Cambridge University Press). Open access here.


Scoping article: research frontiers on the governance of the Sustainable Development Goals. Global Sustainability (Hickmann et al., open access here).


The impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on global policies on sustainable consumption and production. Globalizations (Driel et al., open access here).


The Planetary Commons: A new paradigm for safeguarding earth regulating systems in the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Rockström et al., open access here).


Three pathways to nonuse agreement(s) on solar geoengineering. Ethics and International Affairs (VanDeveer et al. in press).


Towards a non-use regime on solar geoengineering. Lessons from international law and governance. Transnational Environmental Law (Gupta et al., open access here).





Balancing or prioritising for sustainable development? Perceptions of sustainability integration among professionals. Sustainable Development (Montesano et al.; open access here).


Can the Sustainable Development Goals green international organisations? Sustainability integration in the International Labour Organisation. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning (Montesano et al., open access here).


Earth system governance. In Handbook of the Anthropocene. Humans Between Heritage and Future. Edited by Nathanaël Wallenhorst and Christoph Wulf (link here).​


Four governance reforms to strengthen the SDGs. Science (open access here).


How the World Bank engages with the Sustainable Development Goal on reducing inequalities: A case of organizational jiu-jitsu. Global Studies Quarterly (Driel et al., open access here).


Making development legible to capital: The promise and limits of 'innovative' debt financing for the Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (Yunita et al., open access here). 


Pluralizing debates on the Anthropocene requires engaging with the diversity of existing scholarship. Annals of the American Association of Geographers (Pickering et al., open access here).


Solar Geoengineering Myths Debunked. Briefing Note 1, Initiative for an International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering. January (Stephens et al.).


Success factors of global goal-setting for sustainable development. Learning from the Millennium Development Goals. Sustainable Development (Hickmann et al. open access here).


The SDGs as integrating force in global governance? Challenges and opportunities. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (Bogers et al., open access here).


The UN Regional Commissions as orchestrators for the Sustainable Development Goals. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations (Driel et al. open access here).





Assessing the impact of global goals: Setting the stage. In The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals?, eds. Biermann, Hickmann Sénit. Cambridge UP. Open access here.


Earth system law: Exploring new frontiers in legal scienceEarth System Governance (Kotzé et al.)


Exploring global climate policy futures and their representation in integrated assessment models. Politics and Governance (Hickmann et al. open access here).


Global governance (Beisheim, Bernstein et al.). In The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals?, eds. Biermann, Hickmann and Sénit. Cambridge UP. Open access here.


Global governance of climate migrants. A critical evaluation of the Global Compacts. In Climate Refugees: Global, Local and Critical Approaches. Cambridge University Press (with van der Vliet, PDF here).


Inclusiveness (Sénit, Okereke, et al.). In The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals?, eds. Biermann, Hickmann and Sénit. Cambridge UP. Open access here.


International organizations as ‘custodians’ of the Sustainable Development Goals? Fragmentation and coordination in sustainability governance. Global Policy (Driel et al., open access here).


Nederland mag nooit inzetten op geoengineering. NRC Handelsblad (newspaper, online access here), 17 Jan. 2022.


Patterns in transboundary aquifer governance: Comparative analysis of eight case studies from the perspective of efficacy. Water International (Velis et al.; open access here)


Pluralizing debates on the Anthropocene requires engaging with the diversity of existing scholarship. Annals of the American Association of Geographers (Pickering et al., link here)


Scientific evidence on the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Sustainability (open access here).


Social-ecological reflexivity of extractive industry governance? The case of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Indonesia. Environmental Policy and Governance (Yanuardi et al., open access here)


Solar geoengineering: The case for an international non-use agreement. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change


Sustainable Development Goals fail to advance policy integration: A large-n text analysis of 159 international organizations. Environmental Science and Policy (Bogers et al.; open access here)


The (anti-)politics of policy coherence for sustainable development in the Netherlands: Logic, method, effects. Geoforum (Yunita et al., open access here)


The CBD post-2020 biodiversity framework: People’s place within the rest of nature. People and Nature (Friedman et al.; open access here).


The global biodiversity framework needs a robust action agenda [Correspondence]. Nature Ecology and Evolution (Chan et al.; open access here).


The impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on a network of 276 international organizations. Global Environmental Change (Bogers et al.; open access here).


The policy discourse on negative emissions, land-based technologies, and the Global South.

Global Environmental Change (with Jaschke, direct link here)


The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals?, eds. Biermann, Hickmann and Sénit. Cambridge UP. Free download of the entire book as PDF here.


The Sustainable Development Goals as a transformative force? Key insights. In The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals?. eds. Biermann, Hickmann and Sénit. Cambridge UP. Open access here.


UN Sustainable Development Goals failing to have meaningful impact, our research warns. The Conversation, 20 June (open access here).

In Portuguese, here. In Japanese, here





A Momentum for Change? Systemic effects and catalytic impacts of transnational climate action. Earth System Governance (Chan et al., open access here).


In whose name are you speaking? The marginalization of the poor in global civil society. Global Policy (with Sénit).


Klimaatvonnis Duits hof toont kracht van internationaal recht. NRC Handelsblad.


Earth system governance. World politics in the post-environmental age. In Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics


Improving governance quality through global standard setting? Experiences from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Indonesia. The Extractive Industries and Society.


The future of ‘environmental’ policy in the Anthropocene: Time for a paradigm shiftEnvironmental Politics.





Anticipatory governance of solar geoengineering: Conflicting visions of the future and their links to governance proposals. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.


Architectures of Earth System Governance - Institutional Complexity and Structural Transformation. Cambridge University Press.


Architectures of earth system governance - Setting the stage. In Architectures of Earth System Governance. Cambridge University Press.


Assessing spatial equity in access to service-provisioning hotspots in data-scarce tropical forests regions under external pressure. Ecosystem Services.


Deep-time organizations: Learning institutional longevity from history. Anthropocene Review.


Four approaches to anticipatory climate governance: Different conceptions of the future and implications for the present. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change.


Globale Ziele ohne Wirkung oder normative Leitplanken? Vereinte Nationen.


Governance fragmentation. In Architectures of Earth System Governance. Cambridge University Press.


Governance through global goals. In Architectures of Earth System Governance. Cambridge University Press.


Hierarchization. In Architectures of Earth System Governance. Cambridge University Press.


Planetary justice - A research framework. Earth System Governance.

Planetary justice: Prioritizing the poor in earth system governance. Earth System Governance.


Planetary justice as a challenge for earth system governance: Editorial (to a Special Issue). Earth System Governance.


Taking stock and moving forward. In Architectures of Earth System Governance. Cambridge University Press.


The boundaries of the planetary boundary framework - A critical appraisal of approaches to define a “safe operating space” for humanityAnnual Review of Environment and Resources.

Weltregieren durch unverbindliche Zielvereinbarungen? WeltTrends: Das außenpolitische Journal.


A world environment organization. In Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance. Earthscan/Routledge.


Seeding the clouds to reach the sky: Will China’s weather modification practices support the legitimization of climate engineeringAmbio.


What do researchers mean when talking about justice? An empirical review of justice narratives in global change research. Earth System Governance.






A new paradigm for global sustainability governance - Inside look from the trenches of the SDGs negotiation arena. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society.


Anthropocene Encounters: New Directions in Green Political Thinking. Cambridge University Press.


De ene grondstof is de andere niet - beleid voor geologisch schaarse grondstoffen ontbreekt. Milieu.


Debatteer over ingrepen in klimaat. Nederlands Dagblad.


Editorial to the inaugural issueEarth System Governance.


Encountering the 'Anthropocene' - Setting the scene. In Anthropocene Encounters. Cambridge University Press.


Mineral resources governance: A call for the establishment of an International Competence Center on Mineral Resources Management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling.


Policy integration for sustainable development through multilateral environmental agreements - An empirical analysis, 2007-2016. Global Governance.

Onderzoek ‘afkoelen’ van de aarde. Volkskrant.


Protecting biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction: An earth system governance perspective. Earth System Governance.


Rich man’s solution? Climate engineering discourses and the marginalization of the Global South. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.


The Earth System Governance Project as a network organization - a critical assessment after ten years. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.





Global governance in the 'Anthropocene'. In The Oxford Handbook of International Political Theory. Oxford University Press.


Global governance to protect future climate refugees. In Climate Refugees - Beyond the Legal Impasse? Routledge.


Het Antropoceen als politiek fenomeenAgora.


International environmental institutions. In The Companion to Environmental Studies. 



Applying the multi-level perspective on socio-technical transitions to rentier states - The case of renewable energy transitions in NigeriaJournal of Environmental Policy and Planning.


Global aspirations, regional variation? Explaining the global uptake and growth of forestry certificationJournal of Forest Economics.






Conclusion - Key challenges for global governance through goals. In Governing through Goals - Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation. The MIT Press.


Global goal setting for improving national governance and policy. In Governing Through Goals - Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation. The MIT Press.


Global governance by goal-setting: the novel approach of the UN Sustainable Development GoalsCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.


Governing through Goals - Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation. The MIT Press.


Governing by targets - Reductio ad unum and evolution of the two-degree climate targetInternational Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.


Groundwater and human development: synergies and trade-offs within the context of the sustainable development goalsSustainability Science.


The political authority of science in sustainability governance - A structured comparison of six science institutions engaged with the Sustainable Development GoalsEnvironmental Science and Policy.


The representativeness of global deliberation - A critical assessment of civil society consultations for sustainable developmentGlobal Policy.


Towards a global governance system to protect climate migrants - Taking stock. In Research Handbook on Climate Change, Migration and the Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Transnational environmental governance. In The International Encyclopedia of Geography. Wiley-Blackwell.


Why equity is fundamental in climate changeGlobal Environmental Change.



2016 and before available here

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